Have you noticed that there are a lot of article writers out there today? Have you also noticed that the fee you can get for an article is very small? Well, that's where the article writing industry has gone IF you want to be paid for your work...for the most part. However, there are places out there where you can actually get paid for what you're worth. I'm going to give you some guidelines just in case you want to dive into the world of freelance article writing. It can be very lucrative...if you know what you're doing.
Let's start with the toughest place to get paid what you're worth. That would be Elance. The reason for this is simple. The people who go there looking for work to be done for them are quite simply looking for the cheapest labor they can find. They don't really care how good the article it is because it's mainly for the purpose of article marketing and in that case, they're not looking for literary masterpieces. Just give them something that is readable and they're happy. Because of this, you're lucky if you can get $5 for one article.
A little better is forums. Forums have a loyal following. If you go to one and become a contributing member and another member is looking for articles, they'll pay you a fair wage. Now, that will also depend on the pocketbook of the member. The very successful ones know that they have to pay well for really great quality and will do that. The ones who are not so successful may also know that, but they're not in any position to be paying you 10 cents a word. It's just not going to happen. Still, forums will pay you better than places like Elance will.
The best places, however, to get paid for your work are sites that actually look for content or have clients looking for content. There are a number of these places all over the Internet, some of which will pay as much as $200 per article. I kid you not. You just have to spend the time hunting them out. In my sig is a resource with tons of places that pay very well for articles.
Bottom line is this, if you want to get paid what you're worth, don't let people take advantage of you. If somebody asks your rates, tell them. Don't back down. Explain that your work is quality and they'll respect you for it.
To YOUR Success,
Steven Wagenheim
Want to write articles that get people's attention and can earn you up to $200 per article written? Then check out my Complete Article Writing And Marketing Guide that you can find at http://www.honestincomeprogram.com/tcawamg.html - This is my own book that I wrote from over 30 years of writing experience.
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