The status quo on the Internet has made posting your own content online easier than ever. This trend has in turn opened up another opportunity for you in the form of article marketing. If you are planning to use article marketing to promote your site or products, here are a few article writing tips to help you get started.
1. Keep It Short and Simple
"Brevity," Shakespeare once said, "is the soul of wit." In this fast-paced world where just about everyone is in a hurry, being brief with your message has a lot of advantages. As a rule of thumb, keep your articles under 500 words in length. If you cannot seem to fit everything into 500 words, get only your key ideas into the article and then make a new article for every idea.
2. Be Descriptive
Use adjectives and adverbs to change the pace of your article and make it more interesting. No need to go overboard, though; a couple of very descriptive phrases per paragraph should be enough to sustain the interest of your readers.
3. Conclude Your Article Well
Don't ever leave your reader hanging or cut off mid sentence - or even in the middle of an idea. Be sure to close all your major ideas and provide a good conclusion to your article. For marketing, this usually comes in the form of your final sales pitch or your call to action.
These article writing tips do not necessarily guarantee 100% success with your articles. They will however maximize your article marketing endeavors considerably.
Fabian Tan is a well-known Internet Marketing expert and the author of the popular 59-page Report:
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