Thursday, September 3, 2009

Article Marketing Tips - 5 Killer Tips on Creating Articles That Funnel in More Web Traffic

Article writing is growing rapidly on the internet. It has emerged as one of the most lucrative online home based businesses with many plunging headlong into it. Article writing alone does not suffice you should also know how to market it successfully. An effective article-marketing plan is required to be developed to increase web traffic to your site. Here are some useful tips for an article-marketing plan.

1. Keep articles short

Keep word count of articles at a minimum of 250 words when submitting to the majority of article directories online. You can turn out more articles this way because the length is not too long and not too short.

2. Goal setting

Set a goal for your self every week or month and stick to it at all costs. If you plan on working on 30 articles every week then plan to write five articles every day. Be consistent as that's important for submission. If writing longer articles with higher word count, then reduce the number accordingly.

3. Your heading makes all the difference.

Your heading attracts attention. So keep your article's heading attractive and catchy. Then work on the heading using important keywords. Use 'power words' to incite emotions so your heading/title works like it should - to get traffic!

4. Submit articles to article directories

Have your articles submitted to popular directories like Ezine and monitor your articles regularly. You will know how your articles are faring by the count of successful hits.

5. Rewrite your articles

Have articles that are not popular rewritten so that they have a new look and fresh content. Use old forum posts or old articles, or even just grab snippets from your ebooks to rewrite them into fresh, new articles.

An effective article-marketing plan involves the monitoring of visitors to your website. Keep a tab on the web site statistics. Keep writing and submitting articles to directories, for that is the way an article marketing plan works best!

Fabian Tan is a well-known Internet Marketing expert and the author of the popular 45-page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to to get your FREE copy now!

Also, quickly download his FREE "Explosive Traffic System" report that shows you how to generate 10,000+ targeted visitors per month at no cost! =>

Damaged Stucco Corner

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